Wednesday, May 6, 2020

To What Extent Is an E-Commerce Strategy the Best Way for...

To what extent is an e-commerce strategy the best way for businesses to increase their profits? (40 marks) E-commerce is the online transaction of goods and services, which has completely revolutionized business and the way in which businesses can operate. It’s now easier for customers to compare prices/products with a little time spent browsing the Internet opposed to dragging themselves to the stores. This means that e-commerce is having an impact on what and how much businesses sell, therefore influencing the profits the business gets. In this essay I will consider whether an e-commerce strategy is the best way for a business to increase their profits, or whether e-commerce is not the best strategy to do this. I will be arguing that†¦show more content†¦The new website was highly successful and ‘saw HMV return to profit’ (The Telegraph). This shows how an e-commerce strategy is the best way for a business to increase their profits as it illustrates how e-commerce can bring a business from administration to planning to expand into 10 new markets due to incre ased profits. Despite this, e-commerce doesn’t guarantee a business profit increases, as instead it can pose severe threats. One such threat is the risk of cyber attacks. A cyber attack is an attempt by hackers to damage or destroy a computer network or system. If a business falls vulnerable to one of these attacks it can severely damage their reputation. This reputation damage can lead to a loss of trust in the company by customers, as they will potentially have personal details such as bank cards/addresses accessed. This loss of trust will decrease brand loyalty and so the business will lose customers to competitors meaning lower sales and so decreased profits. Talk Talk shows a very recent case of a cyber attack. In October 2015 Talk Talk found themselves exposed to a cyber attack. Around 4% of the companies 4 million users were affected by the events. With More than 15,600 bank account numbers and sort codes were stolen, the company said. The scandal resulted in a  £35 million pound l oss for the company. This points shows how e-commerce can provide huge threats to companies despite the number of opportunities it provides too. These big risks that come alongsideShow MoreRelatedpaul hoang answers72561 Words   |  291 Pagesthe encouraging words that many of you have passed on from around the world. In the final installment, I have put together answers/solutions to all 217 case studies. I hope you will find these solutions as a useful starting point. As with all BM mark schemes, the solutions in this Answer Book should be used with caution and flexibility. 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