Sunday, December 29, 2019

Principles And Procedures Of Logical Thought Processes

4.0 Chapter 4 Methodology 4.1 Introduction Naoum argues that research methodology is relevant to principles and procedures of logical thought processes that are applied to an investigation by stating â€Å"Research design is an action plan for getting form ‘here’ to ‘there’ where ‘here’ may be defined as the initial set of questions to be answered, and ‘there’ is some set of the conclusion (answers) about the questions†. Between ‘here’ and ‘there’ may be found a number of major steps including the collection and analysis of the relevant data The key to successful research is the manner in which it is conducted. This chapter outlines the different processes that are involved in conducting successful research. Because of the large number of SCA it has been decided to narrow the field to Local Authorities because they are more likely to issue tenders for works which fall within the values in PRSA and geographically cover the whole of Scotland so this should ensure all relative local challenges are considered. 4.2 Research Strategy To meet the aim of this dissertation, data that represents the awareness and knowledge of people employed within the construction industry; especially involved in procurement is required. Three different data collection approaches can be taken to meet this aim, a case study, quantitative approach, or a qualitative approach. Case studies are used when the researcher endeavours to support their argument by using an in-depth investigation of a person,Show MoreRelated Metapsychologism In The Philosophy Of Logic Essay3322 Words   |  14 Pagesdeduction-search theory. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Analysis Of Flowers For Algernon By Daniel Keyes

Comparative Essay While Daniel Keyes â€Å"Flowers for Algernon† protagonists search for identity is affected in a negative way by his environment, loss and symbolism, Khaled Hosseini’s â€Å"The kite Runner† protagonists true identity was created and shaped in a positive way by the same three aspects. These two novels contrast in all three key factors of creating and shaping identity. Discovering who you are or looking at what you have become is creating ones identity. The search for identity can be rather determined by the past than by the present. The past builds you up and who you are today. However, there are key factors in the past that play a bigger role in shaping your identity. Environment, Loss and symbolism are the key factors in the past that have the biggest impact on creating and shaping your identity. Everyone would be different in some way or form, had an event in one of their key factors of identity changed. You are who you are today not because of what happened yesterday, but what you encountered in your early stages of life. Who you have become today was determined thirty, forty or fifty years ago (childhood) â€Å"I became who I am today at the age of twelve, on a frigid overcast day in the winter of 1975† (1). That one day in the winter of 1975 had taught Amir one of his biggest lessons, which influenced him until he was an adult. So had that one incident not occurred, or that one person did not die or that horrible memory you regret ever day not happen, you in factShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Flowers For Algernon By Daniel Keyes1223 Words   |  5 PagesAlexandra Backlund Period 2- Mr. Essex 9 Seminar English 18 November 2014 The Downside Daniel Keyes’ novel Flowers for Algernon portrays many ideas of how change affects an individual, using Charlie Gordon. One of these prevalent concepts is that almost every significant change—whether physical or personal—has a tendency to have a negative reaction, usually manipulated by society. As Charlie undergoes his intellectual and emotional changes, he notices several counterparts to them. Charlie is obliviousRead MoreAnalysis Of Flowers For Algernon By Daniel Keyes1729 Words   |  7 Pagesborn until the day we leave this earth, we all want to fit into society and live our lives with a purpose. Despite the hardships we might come face-to-face with, we have the willingness to persevere like the book written by Daniel Keyes depicts. In Daniel Keyes, Flowers for Algernon, the story depicts a man named Charlie Gordon who is struck with the hardship of retardation that he has had to live with since he was born. Growing up with his disability affected his vie wpoints on life, relationships withRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel Flowers For Algernon By Daniel Keyes1270 Words   |  6 PagesFollow the Leader â€Å"One thing? I, like: about, Dear Miss Kinnian†¦is that, she: always; gives me’ a reason† when—I ask† (Keyes 39). In the novel Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes, Keyes uses the trajectory of Alice’s change in character to indicate the demeaning and impressionable roles played by women in society. In addition to literary examples presented in the novel, Keyes includes an excerpt from Plato’s â€Å"Allegory of the Cave† to emphasize the connection between Alice/Miss Kinnian’s role inRead MoreAnalysis Of Flowers For Algernon By Daniel Keyes And Miss Peregrine s Home For Peculiar Children By Ransom Riggs1351 Words   |  6 Pagesextensive networks known to mankind and can be easily influenced through the use of written texts. 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The theme indicates that you should go through a processRead MoreAnalysis Of The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn 1679 Words   |  7 Pages1. Analysis of an Important Character Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a story about growing up, facing the world, and fighting for what’s right. Huckleberry Finn matures greatly throughout the book, and Tom Sawyer plays an important role in showing this change. His character allows the reader to see Huck’s increase in maturity throughout the story. Tom is the constant, his immaturity not changing from the beginning to the end of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, while Huck is the changing variableRead MoreThe Importance Of Literature1964 Words   |  8 PagesCertainly, the benefits of literature and the knowledge acquired from it have been acknowledged by a vast majority of individuals. Nonetheless, one must wonder, does literature hurt humans? Does it only do good? Is it good for nothing? Through careful analysis of certain pieces of literature, the ways in which literature can act as a poison to the human race becomes evident by the consequences coming from the knowledge possessed within; literature not only steals happiness from people, but also transformsRead MoreFlowers for Algernon6322 Words   |  26 PagesUnit 1 Title: Flowers for Algernon Suggested Time: 5-7 days (45 minutes per day) Common Core ELA Standards: RL.8.1, RL.8.2, RL.8.3; W8.1, W8.4, W8.9; SL8.1; L.8.1, L.8.2 [Additional Tasks: RI8.8, RI8.9] Teacher Instructions Preparing for Teaching 1. Read the Big Ideas and Key Understandings and the Synopsis. Please do not read this to the students. This is a description for teachers about the big ideas and key understanding that students should take away after completing this task

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Easy and Engaging ESL Activities - Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Easy and Engaging ESL Activities. Answer: Introduction The aim of the following research project is to make a fruitful investigation of the collocations of the words like do, make, earn and win in the English text books of elementary-pre intermediate level. In order to pursue the aforementioned aim of the paper, the initially, most frequent collocation and use of do, make, earn and win according to the BNC (British National Corpus) and COCA (Corpus of Contemporary American English) will be identified. Thereafter, the paper will consider identifying four English text books to understand and evaluate the use as well as frequency of using Management collocations of verbs like do, make, earn and win. Most importantly, differences between the individual uses of the aforementioned verbs will be identified too. It is to mention initially that the BNC or the British National Corpus is known to be the sample of 100 million word test that is written and spoken in English from varied kinds of sources (Bauer 2015). For the English language references as well as symbols, BNC English material can prove most convenient for English language teaching. One of the most frequent collocations of the word do is found to be du in terms of a reduced form of the verb (Adams 2016). The colloquial word dun in the corpus of BNC is supposed to be the variant form of do not. Further, it has been identified that the in terms of frequent collocation of the verb do, it is to denote that in BNC corpus, the verb do most of the time comes beside to. Therefore, some of the most frequent collocations of do in BNC corpus is found to be dun and to do (Dziemianko 2014). The followings are some example that are recognized to be some common English collocations according to BNC are non-specific activities like Do something , Do nothing, Do everything and replacing verbs when obvious, are Do the laundry, Do the exam and Do the dishes (Biber and Reppen 2015). Prior to identify the frequent collocations of do, make, earn and win in the COCA corpus, it is essential to mention that COCA or the Corpus of Contemporary American English is considered to be the largest corpus of the American English (Adams 2016). It has been identified that in COCA corpus, some of the most frequent collocations of do are do so, do that well, so do advocates, do you prefer, do you want, do I have, do not agree and do in order. However, in terms of frequent collocation, the verb make comes with make dough, make it, make a plan, make me do that, can make sense, make each lesson, make big changes, make in using digital technologies, make connections and make the story (Davies and Fuchs 2015). On the other hand, some of the most frequent collocations of earn in COCA corpus are found to be earn a doctoral degree, earn sufficient credits, earn a living, earn constructive entitlement, earn a bachelor's degree, earn as much, earn a living and earn a reward (Brown and P almer 2015). It is further mention that for the verb win, the frequency collocation of COCA corpus includes win again, win over, win it back, can win, win the peace, win relief, his win, win a majority, the win, when you win and certain to win. It has been identified that in BNC corpus, the frequency of the collocation of do is dominated by the word make. Most significantly, in the BNC corpus, the frequent use of the collocation of make is even more than do. On the other hand, one of the most frequent Management collocation forms of make according to the BNC corpus is making (Davies and Fuchs 2015). According to BNC corpus, some of the most frequent verb collocations are found to be make a difference, make a mess, make a mistake, make a noise, make trouble and make money. It has been understood that according to the BNC corpus, the collocation of the verb make is used most of the time as a replacement of do. For example, various times do the report is used as make the report (Breeze 2017). According to both BNC and COCA, similarly like the collocation of the connected verbs do and make take place, verbs like earn and win are used most of the time for the same purpose. It is to also mention that the collocation connectivity of earn and win extends to the verb gain according to both COCA and BNC corpus. In both the COCA and BNC corpus, the collocation of the verb earn is related to education and designation. Such as earn a degree, earn an impressive position (Brown and Palmer 2015). On the other hand, some of the most frequent collocation of win is found to be more associated with succeeding a task or wining a prize. For example, win a game, win money, win love and win the war. However, in both COCA and BNC corpus, it has been identified that instead of being matched grammatically, the word fame or opportunity are most of the time associated with earn rather than win. For example try to earn fame, try to win the lottery, earn a lot of money, earn a reputation and win the competition at any cost (Davies and Fuchs 2015). Research methodology In order to understand most frequent collocation of do, make, earn and win, the following paper would consider examining four English comprehension books of elementary level. Further, in order to identify the practical use of the collocation of the aforementioned verbs, four exercises would be presented and analyzed. Therefore, it can be said that a secondary research approach has been taken for the present purpose. The main focus of the method will be to identify and understand how the aforementioned verbs are being used in the grammatical comprehensions. According to the proposed methodology, exercises have been taken from - ESL Teachers Activities Kit by Elizabeth Claire, Assessment and ESL: An Alternative Approach by Barbara Law, ESL Activities and Mini-Books for Every Classroom by Kama Einhorn and Childrens ESL Curriculum: Management Learning English with Laughter by Ms. Daisy A. Stocker M.Ed. Dr. George A. Stocker D.D.S. It has been found out that in most of the English text books of elementary-pre intermediate level use of the words do and make as well as earn and win are found to be used for the vocabulary and comprehension purpose. For example, the following exercises will show the use of the words do and make for the English comprehension purpose In the elementary book Childrens ESL Curriculum: Learning English with Laughter, the following have been found out - Discussion of findings The above result and findings are indicative of the fact that while do and make replace each other in several purpose, similarly in the collocation, earn and win do the same. The above-presented exercises are indicative of the fact that in most of the elementary level text books, the aforementioned verbs are used in grammar purpose. Each of the above mentioned exercises imply that in order to teach the ESL students the fundamental grammatical uses of these verbs the comprehensions are made. In those exercise, the use of collocations like dun for do or makin for making are not used (Gonzlez Fernndez and Schmitt 2015). The exercises indicate that most of the English text books are concerned with teaching the grammatical credibility of the verbs do, make, earn and win to accompany nouns and adjectives in time of communicational as well as written application (Jones and Waller 2015). It should be contemplated here that the above results and literature review are referring that while mak e is more used rather than do and replace do, earn is more used than the verb win. In the COCA corpus, use of the aforementioned verbs is seen in the use of particular constructions, such as matching prepositions and matching phrases (Parkinson 2015). It has been further understood that the verbs earn and win in both COCA and BNC corpuses are various times replaced by the verb gain. Moreover, it has been further understood that while use of the verb win in the collocation is related with accomplishing anything, earn is mainly related to educational, designation and money related phrases. On the other hand, collocations of both the verbs do and make are related to accomplishing a task (Vzquez 2014). Most significantly, it has been understood that each of the considered verbs are used in both BNC and COCA as suffix and prefix in sentences. Conclusion From the above research paper, it can be concluded that in terms of having most frequent collocations, make is being used more than the verb do. On the other hand, the verb earn is being used more than win. The above study has also indicated the fact that in the contemporary English text books of the elementary level, the application of do, make, earn and win are accomplished for the grammatical purpose Management and for teaching the ESL students about how to accompany nouns or adjectives by the use of do:, make, earn and win. However, according to the above study, in both COCA and BNC, the verb gain is used varied time to replace verbs like win and earn. It is finally to anticipate that the above paper and the research findings might prove helpful in future for the researchers who will be interested in pursuing a research on the similar subject. References Adams, V., 2016.An introduction to modern English word-formation. Routledge. Bauer, L., 2015. A corpus study of some rare English verbs.SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics,12(3), pp.105-115. Biber, D. and Reppen, R. eds., 2015.The Cambridge handbook of English corpus linguistics. Cambridge University Press. Breeze, R., 2017. Exploring evidential uses of the passive of reporting verbs through corpus analysis.Evidentiality Revisited: Cognitive grammar, functional and discourse-pragmatic perspectives,271. Brown, D.W. and Palmer, C.C., 2015. 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